Coverage of Health Insurance (Mandatory and optional For OX Visa)
IPD / Inpatient Cover
This coverage is required and should have a minimum sum insured of 100,000 USD or 3,000,000 THB of Coverage. This cover is for hospitalization purposes, meaning that you are admitted and required to stay overnight or a couple of days due to the doctor’s recommendation.
OPD / Outpatient Cover
This coverage is also required when applying for a visa and should have a minimum cover of 1,200 USD or 40,000 baht of coverage annually. This coverage is for doctor’s visits and outpatient procedures that do not require you to stay in the hospital for observation. This includes prescribed medications and lab exams that doctors prescribe.
Dental Cover
This is not required for an OX visa - but if you can add this as an option. Coverage for Dental related concerns, this coverage includes normal procedures, cleaning, fillings, etc. This however does not cover anything related to cosmetic procedures. **optional coverage. If you are looking for only dental insurance, please check the coverage and price here:Dental Insurance Thailand
Deductible / Excess
Helps lower the cost of your premium, a specified amount of money that the insured must pay before the insurance company will pay a claim. **optional coverage.